Kids Corner

Nursery and Toddler Room

Infants and toddlers are always welcome in the nursery where parents can leave their children in good hands or continue to enjoy the service through a TV screen in the nursery that will show the service.  Our nursery and toddler room is well equipped with a change table, play mats, exersaucers, a nursing chair and age-appropriate toys.

Special Services

If you’d like to send us a donation by e-Transfer, please go to your online banking site and follow their instructions for this. You can send your donation to:

Sunday School Collection for our Foster Child

When a child brings a loonie or toonie for collection, it goes towards our sponsored foster child Abdella Adem Aliye through Christian Children’s Fund.  Abdella lives with his family in Ethiopia. He is 12 years old and is in grade 6. His favourite subjects are Math and Natural Science. He walks 5 km to school. Abdella hopes to be a teacher one day.  The money that is sent helps with his and his families’ education, health care and nutrition needs. The area that Abdella and his family lives in are often at risk of drought and we often send money for extra support in those times.