Healing Pathway Ministry At Cambridge Street United Church
20–30-minute sessions are provided by trained practitioners at no cost.
Sessions are available at the church Wednesday evenings, Thursday afternoons, and Friday mornings.
To book a session, please call 705-324-3547
or email csuchealingministry2022@gmail.com
Donations to our Healing Pathway ministry are always appreciated.
Donations of $20 or over may be tax receipted.
About the Healing Pathway
Feeling stressed, in pain? Need some tender loving care or just plain curious?
Come and receive healing touch for 30-45 minutes.
What can I expect?
Healing Pathway sessions work with the energy of the body. The practitioner’s intention is to be an instrument of God’s healing power. There are specific techniques taught within Healing Pathway that support the body’s ability to heal.
You can either sit upright in a straight-back chair, or you can lie down, fully clothed, on a treatment table. Light touch may be used or the practitioners may work with their hands around the body without touching. You are free to ask questions or rest quietly and are totally in control of the session.
The intension of this work is to support well-being and wholeness. This can be experienced on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
People experiencing Healing Pathway sessions tell us:
- They feel safe and cared for, connected, loved and often relieved from specific symptoms;
- They leave feeling more balanced and with more energy;
- That it empowers their healing on many levels.
God’s intention is for wholeness harmony, balance and health. ‘I am come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.’ John 10:10

Prayer of a Practitioner
May the light and love and grace of God move through you as you are made whole in mind, body and spirit. Let this vital energy soak deep into your body, filling each cell with God’s healing power. May any blocks be removed so that your own body can continue with healing itself for your highest good.
Healing Pathway Ministry does not replace any conventional medical or psychological treatments.
Can the Healing Pathway help you?
Everyone can benefit from Healing Pathway treatments!
Some circumstances that Healing Pathway practitioners have worked with:
- Chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, environmental sensitivities, systemic disease, depression;
- Falls, accidents;
- Side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, anesthesia;
- Transitions such as: death, loss, separation, divorce, surgery, moves, job changes, retirement and aging.
A treatment may help:
- Restore balance to your energy field;
- Strengthen your immune system;
- Aid recovery and healing;
- Deepen your spiritual connection with God;
- Re-energize you and give you a feeling of peace.
Each Healing Pathway practitioner receives, as well as gives, regular treatments. Everyone has different needs and we each benefit according to God’s wisdom for our highest good.
Reclaiming the United Church of Canada’s Ministry of Healing
Jesus healed. God’s church, also, is given the gift and responsibility for healing. Christian healing involves the trust that God works through dimensions of reality that we cannot understand, to bring healing and health. All healing comes from God and practitioners are merely channels of God’s healing grace. Prayer, laying on of hands, touch and anointing with oil are genuine instruments of healing, and are all components of the Healing Pathway practice.
The Healing Pathway program has been centred at the United Church’s Naramata Centre in B.C., since 1993. Since then, training for practitioners has expanded across Canada. Increasing numbers of congregations have Healing Pathway ministries.
Cambridge Street United Church team members participate in these training sessions and continue to learn and upgrade their understanding and commitment to this gift of healing touch. The Cambridge Street United Church Council recognized the Healing Pathway ministry in 2022.