Church Groups

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle meets the second Sunday of each month Sept to May from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm in the Church Parlour. Come and enjoy a time of fellowship and caring. Shawls are made and given as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; birth of a child or grandchild; or wedding gift; during an illness and recovery; wedding anniversary. This is a spiritual practice, so before the knitting begins, a blessing, prayer, or wish is said, dedicating the work of your hands and the intentions of the receiver. Bring your completed shawls for blessings and on-going knitting to work on during the meeting. Instructions for knitting and crocheting the shawls are available — we also gratefully accept donations of yarn.

Youth Group

We invite all youth in Grades 7 – 12 to join us at Cambridge Street United Church about twice a month, usually on Sunday evenings from 7pm-9pm. You don’t have to be part of the Cambridge Street United Church family—all are welcome. It’s a chance to do fun stuff with nice people. Sometimes we talk about Life’s Big Questions, sometimes we play games, and sometimes we just goof around. There’s no pressure to be anyone other than yourself.  Oh, and there’s always food.

United Church Women

We meet monthly from September to June for a time to worship, socialize, listen to a speaker and enjoy time with other women.  We also have a Spring Rummage Sale and a Fall Rummage Sale each year and our family Joys of Christmas craft, bake sale and Cookie Walk.

Walter Auld Fellowship Luncheon

The Walter Auld Fellowship Luncheon is at 12 noon on the fourth Tuesday in the months of Jan, Feb, March, Oct and the first Tuesday in May and Dec. The purpose of this gathering is for seniors to come together for a time of good food, fun and fellowship. A program follows the luncheon. The luncheon is $12.00 per meeting, catered by Wholesome Foods of Lindsay, and membership is $10.00 per year.

Balance In Motion

Balance in Motion is offering through our Congregation Care initiative and helps to improve core strength and balance through gentle movements taken from practices of Qi-gong and Tai Chi and are gentle enough for all age groups.  Sessions are held Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 in the lower hall. Free will offerings are to support Cambridge Street United Church.

Church Sponsored Groups

1st Scout Troops

Cambridge Street United Church is home to the 1st Lindsay Scouting. The different troops use the church for weekly meetings and a variety of programs. It is comprised of Beavers (SK to grade 2), Cubs (grades 3 to 5) and Scouts (grades 6 to 8).

The different groups meet in the church gymnasium on the following nights:

Beavers – Mondays @ 6:30-7:45pm

Cubs and Scouts – Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:30pm

If you have a young person who is interested in participating in Scouting, go to the Scouts Canada website

Guiding Groups

Girl Guides of Canada’s core programming allows girls and young women to develop life and career skills in age-appropriate groups. They participate in a number of standard activities to earn badges. Cambridge Street United Church has different groups that meet weekly:

6th Lindsay Brownies (ages 7-8) – Thursdays @6:30-8:00pm

1st Lindsay Guides (ages 9-11) – Thursdays @6:30-8:00pm

For additional information on these groups, or information on leadership roles, please refer to the Girl Guides of Canada Website at