Our History

1832 – The Reverend Conrat Vandusen of Cavan rides on horseback to the tiny settlement on the Scugog River then known as Purdy’s Mill. He conducts services in the small log dwellings on the river bank.

1841 – a grant of one acre of land is secured from the government on the southwest corner of William and Wellington Streets where a small building is erected. This combines as a week-day school and church.

1852 – by now the congregation has outgrown this building and a larger one is erected next door fronting onto William Street. The minister, Rev. Thomas Hannah, used the earlier building as his home, becoming the first to be a permanent resident during his tenure.

1869 – a still larger site is purchased at the corner of Bond and Cambridge Streets.

1871 – the nucleus of the present Church building is erected on this site at a cost of $12000.

1886 – following the merger of several different Methodist sub-denominations, the congregation continued to grow, and it became necessary to expand the premises. Services were held for a period at the town hall while three sides of the sanctuary were extended and a gallery built. At the same time, a large pipe organ was installed, with a choir loft in front.

1925 – the Cambridge Street Methodist Church congregation is joined by 168 members of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, along with their minister, Reverend F.H. McIntosh. Together they become Cambridge Street United Church. However, this was not the end of St. Andrews. There remains a Presbyterian congregation at St. Andrews to this day.

1929-30 – More school rooms were added to the building, as well as a new entrance/narthex – erected as a memorial to those from the congregation who had served in the First World War.

1958 – In September of this year, the Cambridge Hall was opened, giving the church more rooms for meetings, Christian education, and community use, as well as a large gymnasium with stage.

Today – Cambridge St continues to play an important role in the life of the people of Lindsay. In 2017 we celebrated our 185th anniversary.

If you haven’t visited us, please do join us for one of our worship services or community events.